Bonnie Hardie


Empowering MidLife Women to say

"Bon Voyage" to the Shackles in their Mind that prevents them from living the life of their dreams that they rekindle their Joy and Passion.

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The 5x5 Formula to a Rock Solid Day.


Learn the best 5 Activities to do in the morning to start your day off strong.






Sign up for my email list and receive regular tips regarding how to Have a Rock Solid Mindset/ Having a Attitude of Gratitude, Living your best life.
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I will show you how to :
Have A Attitude of Gratitude,
Reframe Negatives into Positives,
Appreciate what you DO have -- while not dwelling on what you DON'T have.
Bonnie Hardie
52 Riley Road

Comments about my 5x5 Formula To A Rock Solid Day Facebook Challenge:


Practicing Gratitude Daily has really helped me -- I notice more things now that I appreciate.


I really enjoyed your challenge Bonnie -- Thank you for inviting me to be a part of it.


Learning the proper way to breathe deeply has helped me to relax when I get tense.

I just think of the way Bonnie told me to do it:

Breath in thru the nose -hold it for a few seconds- breath out thru the mouth.


Meditation is Magic !!! 

Meditating on how I want my life to be has really helped me to focus on my future plans.


I love Vizualization -- I am able now to picture in my mind how I want my life to look like.


Taking part in Bonnies Challenge really showed me how to get my day started off strong. Her 5x5 Formula is amazing!!


Thanks so much Bonnie!!!    

Your challenge showed me some new things to do daily.I look forward to making sure all of my days are Rock Solid!!


Just taking a few minutes in the morning to show gratitude about how amazing my life really is makes me appreciate what I do have.

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